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How 'Experience Design' Can Create a More Holistic 'User Experience'

Autorenbild: Patrick ZimmermannPatrick Zimmermann

Aktualisiert: 5. Aug. 2019

Throughout the past 2 years, I’ve developed a special interest in Experience Design in its broader sense. In my newest article I am sharing some insights from a workshop run by Hyper Island I attended in London.

3 observations on Experience Design

I’ve highlighted 3 key observations on Experience Design that I’ve picked up over my 2 year exploration into the discipline:

1. Experience design is not just digital design

Contrary to the general perception, I believe that Experience Design shouldn't be limited to website and apps, but rather extend to all relevant channels. To paraphrase Hassenzahl (professor of ‘Experience and Interaction’ at the Folkwang University of Arts in Essen), ‘experience’ can be a structure, reflection, or even something shared and subjective. Hassenzahl’s (2010) concept of experience suggests 4 key properties, highlighting its diverse meaning. The 4 key properties are highlighted in the following image:

2. Experience design includes the design of customer experience

With this mind shift we should start talking more about the customer experience rather than limiting ourselves to user experience. By broadening the understanding of experience we start to discern the role of time. Thus, the idea that the closure experience - the experience of closing a customer relationship - is equally worth consideration as the starting experience (a concept by Joe Macleod).

3. Experience design is an iterative process

Experience Design encompasses an iterative learning process. At Hyper Island, I encountered 2 key tools for understanding how experience can be crafted: by prototyping, and through the use of an iterative process known as ‘The Learning Spiral”.

Read the full article on the Marvel Blog

Illustrations created by Rebecca Werres, and writing by Patrick Zimmermann.

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